About us
Basile Papaevangelou and daughter Christina Papaevangelou, founders of the Kids Health Links Foundation, believe in the health and well-being of children and youth. It is their belief in the work of child life specialists, and their foundations commitment to psychosocial care that enabled the development of the Canadian Child Life Institute and hence, the Upedia website.
Upedia has been developed in part through a series of Canada wide visits to child life programs and friends of child life by the Canadian Child Life Institute Ambassadors. Sincere thanks to all of the hospitals and programs that participated by hosting the visiting ambassadors, completing program databases, and helping with website development advice and materials. A broad range of child life services were discussed and observed across the country, informing the shape of this website. Practitioners from a spectrum of programs that support children’s coping also shared their needs, wishes and dreams for national child life networking and support. The following organizations and individuals have helped to shape Upedia:
- Abbotsford Regional Hospital & Cancer Centre
- Alberta's Children's Hospital
- BC Children's Hospital
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- Camp Goodtimes
- Camp Trillium
- Cape Breton District Health Authority
- Carl Von Baeyer, PhD
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire -Sainte Justine
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Québec- Centre mère-enfant
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire - Centre mère-enfant
- Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
- Children’s Heart Network
- Children's Hospital Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg
- Children's Aid Society, Cambridge
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- Chinook Regional Hospital
- Credit Valley Hospital
- Don Buchanan, Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, CHEO and Offord Centre for Child Studies
- Donna Koller, Ryerson University
- Family Counselling and Support Services
- Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka
- Gilda's Club Toronto
- Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
- Grand River Hospital
- Hamilton Children's Aid Society
- Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
- Hôpital régional Dr.-L-Georges-Dumont
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Humber River Regional Hospitals
- Hypnotherapy 4U
- IWK Health Centre
- Kingston General Hospital
- London Health Sciences Centre-Children’s Hospital
- Lutherwood
- Lymphoma Leukemia Society Vancouver
- Markham-Stouffeville Hospital
- Max and Beatrice Wolfe Children's Centre
- McMaster Children’s Hospital
- McMaster University
- Montreal Children's Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre/ Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants du Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill
- Morgan Livingston, Consulting Services
- Joan Turner, Mount Saint Vincent University
- North York General Hospital
- Osler Hospitals: Etobicoke General, Brampton Civic
- Peter Loughheed Hospital
- Peter Rosenbaum, MD FRCP, CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Regina Pasqua Hospital
- Regina Qu’appelle Health Centre
- Rotary Flames House c/o Alberta's Children’s Hospital
- Royal Alexandra Hospital
- Royal University Hospital
- Scarborough Hospital Lawrence
- Shriner's Hospital for Children
- St. John Regional Health Centre
- Stollery Children's Hospital
- Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children
- Surrey Memorial Hospital
- The Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre
- The Moncton Hospital
- The University of Victoria
- University of the Fraser Valley
- Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre
- Toronto East General Hospital
- Trillium Health Centre
- Victoria General Hospital
- Whitehorse General Hospital
- William Osler Health Brampton
- William Osler Health Etobicoke
- York Children’s Aid Society
- York Regional Infant Development Program